Who are we, and what's this All about?

“We created Valley of the Mad in the Summer of 2022, naming it after a place in Ireland famous for its healing powers.”
Hi! Ray and Dan here. We started Valley of the Mad, a clothing brand to support greater mental health awareness. When you wear our clothes, you open up the conversation around mental health and what it means to each person. With our brand, we are keen to raise awareness of the varying mental health services offered to men worldwide. We also want to identify and signpost local mental health resources that you can call on, and we plan to feature some of those options here on our site.
Valley of the Mad is not just a clothing brand. It is a community of like-minded people who want to see a positive change in the world. We pledge to recognise charities and organisations that support us through our most challenging days by making monetary donations through the sale of our products.
It’s important to us that our products are original and locally made to reduce our impact on the planet. We use the best quality and long-lasting materials for all our products.
We are working hard to bring this vision to life. We want to see Valley of the Mad apparel proudly worn by men, women, and children who believe that mental health stigma is no longer acceptable!