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Darkness Into Light 2023

Sign up for Darkness Into Light 2023, the annual fundraising event by Pieta, a suicide prevention charity that provides free, professional therapy to those with suicidal ideation, engaging in self-harm, or bereaved by suicide. The annual “Darkness into Light” event occurs on Saturday, May 6, in different locations across Dublin and the country.

We are taking part in Darkness Into Light 2023, proudly supported by Electric Ireland to raise vital funds for Pieta and people affected by suicide and self-harm.

80% of Pieta’s funding comes from fundraising events like Darkness Into Light. 

The event sees communities come together at 4:15 am to start walking together in the darkness and end the journey at sunrise. The walk is symbolic. You set off at 4:15 am and walk while the sun rises as it does every day and will do for the next 5 Billion years! It represents how even though you may be in a dark place, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

There are over 200 walks taking place across 15 counties and countries, with 11 walks in Dublin and walks in London Cricklewood, Hazelwood and Clapham Common. Follow  @darknessintolightlondon  and @darknessintolight_worldwide for more information on international events.

You can sign up as an individual to one of the organised locations or you can organise your own. You can walk, run, cycle, or set yourself a challenge. Try a hike or a sponsored skydive!

Ticket prices for Ireland are shown below. Please follow our link

You can help keep Pieta’s essential services FREE and available to anyone who needs them by donating now to help us reach our fundraising goal.

A donation of as little as €24 could help answer two calls to Pieta’s 24-hour Crisis Helpline for someone in suicidal distress.  

You can help Pieta to save lives. 

Thank you so much for your support.

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Ray and Dan started Valley of the Mad as a brand focused on mental health. Our aim is to raise awareness of mental health, support those that may be finding it difficult and improve access to resources.

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