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Top 10 Mental Health Apps

valley of the mad mental health apps

Mental health apps are designed to help you manage your moods, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and generally improve your mental health condition. They can alleviate the symptoms of mental health disorders. They are seen as a tool to complement traditional therapy. Although a therapy app is good it cannot replace seeing therapist in person to develop healthy habits. 

Some of them also give you mental health tips and tricks for staying healthy, including stress management techniques, mindfulness exercises, and other self-care strategies.For a few minutes per day you can use mindfulness app to reduce stress and anxiety.

These apps can be helpful when you’re feeling down or anxious, or if you need to keep yourself motivated. Some also include physical health key features to compliment the mental health services. Check with your health insurance provider 


Cost: Free for first year. 

Moodfit is a free mental health app that helps users manage their emotions through mindfulness and meditation techniques. Like many other apps designed to help people manage their emotions, Moodfit provides a series of guided exercises that teach users to focus on their breath and calm themselves down when feeling anxious or stressed out. Users can also choose to listen to music while doing these exercises.

Moodfit is an app that helps you better understand your emotions. You answer questions about your moods, and then get personalized recommendations on how to cope with them. If you’ve ever felt anxious, depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed, you’ll love this tool.

MoodFit helps you understand your emotions and behaviors. As you check your progress over time, you will get a better sense of what factors affect your mood. MoodFit includes an interactive CBT section that teaches you how to deal with negative thoughts and a Thought Record that teaches you how to modify irrational thoughts. You will also learn new skills, including Gratitude and Mindfulness, in just a few short minutes each day.

You can use the app to create your own experiments. If you think a certain food (like wheat), might be affecting your mood, you can track that using the app. You can also use the app to help you understand your medications and therapies better. The app will assist you in identifying what treatments are working best so you understand how to improve your condition.


Why we chose it: BetterHelp offers online therapy through messaging, audio, and videoconferencing. You can communicate with a licensed therapist at any time, 24/7. You get access to a library of videos and articles. The meditation library includes tools to assess daily stress. Your levels of stress can be adjusted with stress relief in the form of daily meditations, tackling negative thinking slowing your heart rate and mindful movement.

You can send unlimited text messages. Costs vary depending on location and therapist availability.

High User Satisfaction. Sessions last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. There are multiple plans available so you may need time to adjust to whichever treatment plan is best for you. Medication Management is available. Free Trials and Consultations are available. Since 2013, Better Help’s providers have provided therapy to people who need a reliable and affordable way to improve your health. The online portal and app provide therapy and counseling services with hundreds of licensed therapists. You may contact your care team and access sessions through audio, video and text message using the online portal or app.

All Better Help therapists are fully trained and licensed, and their bios are easy to access on the website. You can learn more about them before choosing one to work with. There are so many therapists available, chances are you will find someone who can help with depression, stress, low self-esteem, anger management, relationship problems, or any other issue.

Live weekly audio and video sessions paired with unlimited messaging to your therapist give you access to valuable mental healthcare resources when you need them most. 


MoodMission is a mental health care app that helps you manage your emotions and improve your overall wellbeing. It provides a scientifically proven method to help you feel happier, healthier, and less stressed. A team of psychologists and psychiatrists developed the app after years of research. The app is backed by clinical studies that show it improves mood and reduces stress. You can choose from a list of activities that will help you boost your mood. These activities range from meditation to exercise. If you’re feeling down, you can pick a mission that will help you get out of that rut. When you complete a mission, you’ll receive points that you can redeem for rewards like stickers, coins, and other items.

MoodMission is an app designed to help people deal with stress, anxiety, or a depressive disorder. The app provides users with a list of missions that are tailored to their moods. Each mission includes a series of questions about what the user is thinking, feeling, or doing. These questions are then used to create a personalized report that helps the user understand why he or she is feeling the way they are. Users can also share their reports with friends and family through text messages, emails, or social media platforms.

They give you five different missions to complete. Each mission will contain objections and an explanation of why the activity may help. After accepting each mission, you’ll be asked to rate how distressed you feel when you complete the task. Once you’ve finished all five missions, you’ll get a chance to fill out a survey about your experience. $7.99 and offers In App Purchases.


Sanvello offers a mental health app for iOS and Android devices that helps users manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. The app includes CBT techniques and other resources to help users deal with stress and anxiety. Users can choose to pay for premium features, including access to additional treatment options, peer support, and additional resources. The app also allows users to share experiences and receive feedback from others who are dealing with similar issues.

Able to access a licensed therapist whenever you need extra support. May not be suitable for severe mental health issues. Requires a monthly subscription fee to access advanced features. Advanced premium add-ons like coaching and therapy sessions can be expensive if not covered by insurance and may require a referral from your primary care physician. There is no clarity on the qualifications of coaches.

Sanvello offers a free version of its platform. The company offers an optional premium subscription service that includes access to additional key features and tools. Users can choose to pay $9.99 per month or $59.99 per year. A monthly subscription allows users to access the full range of key features and tools. An annual subscription gives them unlimited access to everything included in the monthly plan.

The app helps you build skills that can help you become confident and feel better. You’ll find tools that can assist you with specific issues, like public speaking, test-taking, and morning dread. You’ll also find ways to track your progress and set goals for the long term.

Sanvello is an anonymous online community that connects people who are struggling. You can get help from other members who understand your situation, and you can get tips and tricks to manage your symptoms. Members can post about their experiences and ask questions. There’s even a community for those who need to speak to someone privately.


Why We Chose It: Calm stands out because it offers a range of different meditation practices and exercises that help manage stress. Cost: Calm offers a 7-day trial with an annual membership fee of around $70. If you want meditation sessions for your life, you can pay around $400 for indefinite access.

App offers a number of different ways to practice mindfulness. You can choose from guided daily  meditations, yoga, breathing exercises, and other activities. You can listen to them all at once or pick and choose what works best for you. Some of the apps offer a free trial period before you need to pay. If you like what you hear, you can subscribe to the app for $9.99 per month.

Calm is a mental health app designed to help you get started with mindfulness meditation. It includes guided meditations, relaxation techniques, and deep breathing exercises that take users through breathing exercises.

You can also choose to listen to music while practicing meditation. There are also options to track your progress and receive notifications when you complete a session.

Sessions vary in length to fit your schedule. Some sessions may last 3 minutes while others could last an hour.


Happify made our list because we love the science behind the app. It helps users reduce stress, build resilience and overcome negative thoughts. It also offers different tracks that focus on specific aspects of life. You can choose your own path through the game, and then track your progress. It costs $14.99 per mo­nth.

Developed specifically for those suffering from symptoms of depression and social anxiety. Helps you better manage your moods and emotions, and encourages you to feel more present. Available on both iOS and Android devices. Premium features are only available if you pay $9.99 per month. Free users get limited access to the app. A lot cheaper than many other programs.

Happify is an app that helps you stay happy. It features a collection of scientifically proven activities that help you get happier, including mindfulness exercises, guided meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy. You can play games that focus on improving your memory, attention, and concentration. There are also apps that teach you how to manage your emotions better, like practicing gratitude, and there are even apps that help you deal with depression.

The activities are designed by positive psychologists, who understand that happiness isn’t just about feeling happy all the time. It’s also about making progress towards goals and achieving life satisfaction. The app helps you choose what activity you’d like to focus on, such as: coping with stress. Fueling career success. Achieving mindfulness through meditation.

Happify is an app that helps you conquer negative thoughts and build confidence. It offers daily challenges designed to help you focus on what matters most. These challenges are short exercises that take just a few minutes to complete. They’re easy enough to fit into your schedule, even if you’re busy all day long. Once you’ve completed them, you get points that you can redeem for rewards like stickers, coins, and other digital goods. You can also earn extra credits by sharing your progress with friends.

Happify helps users feel happier by giving them daily doses of positive emotions. Users receive an alert at 7am each morning telling them what emotion they should focus on that day. For example, if you’re feeling sad, you’ll get an alert saying “You should try to smile today.” If you’re feeling happy, you’ll get an email saying “Try to laugh today!” After receiving the alerts, users can choose to either accept or reject the suggestions. Once accepted, the user will see a notification when they wake up in the morning. At this time, they can choose to follow through with the suggestion or not.


Why We Chose It: MoodGYM is an online self-help program designed specifically for those suffering from mild to moderate depression. Cost: Free (and paid versions available). Teaches simple activities like breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and cognitive restructuring. Promotes calm through audio elements. Provides feedback on symptom severity. Includes lots of mental health information about depression.

Free access on all platforms. Provides detailed information about the components of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) including identifying negative thoughts and feelings, challenging unhelpful beliefs, developing coping skills, improving social connections, and engaging in pleasurable activities. Includes links to resources for further reading and help from a mental health professional. Encourages users to engage in self-help behaviors that will improve their moods.

You will be asked questions about your mood, thoughts, feelings, activities, and relationships. You may also answer questions about your medications, treatments, and other health conditions. Your answers help you understand your depression and what works best for you. 

The app helps you identify when you’re feeling sad and what causes it. You’ll learn about the different types of negative emotions and how to cope with them. You’ll also learn how to change your thinking to help reduce the impact of negative feelings. The app includes: A screening tool to assess the severity of your symptoms.

Articles on clinical depression and cognitive behavioral therapy tools (CBT). It includes a thought diary to learn how to challenge negative thoughts and monitor stress levels with its mood diary. Emotion training audio. Audio to learn to access calm emotions. Relaxation audio.

Behavioral therapy tools such as,  dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for the treatment of eating disorders and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) are included. The app is totally free of charge. Unlike others that require you to pay for full access to all content, you will be granted complete access when downloading it.


We chose Shine because it helps people with mental illness feel supported and empowered by providing them access to a peer community, empowering tools and activities for self-improvement, and topics focused on mental health.

It features calming tools for crisis moments and activities based on empirical research. Although it is designed for serious conditions it offers no access to professional support.

It requires purchase to access many premium features. Challenge activities can sometimes be stress inducing. Shine is a self care app that aims to help users rest heal and grow through difficulty. It focuses on self improvement and motivational messages through text and audio. Shine also offers an inclusive community so you can connect with other members at any time.

This app is designed to help you manage your emotions through meditation. As one of the better meditation apps, you’ll get guided meditations, a gratitude log, and a mood tracker. There are also tips to help you stay focused and productive throughout the day. 


eMoods is a user-friendly app for patients to track symptom data relating to Bipolar Disorder I and II disorders, Depression, PTSD, and Anxiety Disorders. Identify triggers and patterns to help prevent relapses, and enhance doctor’s visits with detailed data exports.You can also get reports on your health. Cost: Basic version is free, the enhanced version is around $50 per month, and the pro version is around $100 per month.

eMoods strenght is that it is a simple, free, and easy-to-use app for those with Bipolar Disorder. You can keep track of your moods, medication, and other important information. You can also send out reminders to yourself and others about what you need to do. All of this is done through text messages, emails, and charts. There is also a premium version available that includes a lot more key features.


Bearable is an app that allows you to easily record your symptoms, medications, and other health information. You can then connect with your doctor via text message or phone call to discuss what’s going on. Your doctor will receive all of your data in real-time and can respond to any questions or concerns you may have. Bearable also integrates with Apple HealthKit, making it easy to sync your data across devices and apps.

You can track all sorts of things like sleep, stress, moods, exercise, and nutrition.  If you’re using an Android device, you’ll have to manually enter everything yourself. Bearable does not require any special permissions, making it safe for kids and teens. It’s free to download and use.

Bearable helps users understand what triggers their emotions and how those emotions affect their daily lives. By showing users how certain activities impact their mood over time, Bearable provides a visual representation of how they feel throughout the day. These charts can then be sent to their doctor if they wish, allowing them to see trends and adjust their treatments accordingly. Users love how easy it is to use and customize Bearable.

One more for good luck! 

PTSD Coach

PTSD Coach was designed to help Veterans and military Servicemen who have, or may be at risk of developing, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This app provides users access to education about PTSD, information on professional care, a self assessment tool for PTSD, opportunities to seek out support, and tools that help users cope with the stresses of daily life. Tools include relaxation skills, positive self-talk, anger management, and other common self-improvement techniques. Users can customize tools according to their preferences and can integrate contact lists, photos, and music into them. This app can be useful for both people who are in treatment and those who aren’t.



We have discussed a the most popular Mental Health Apps for dealing with mental health issues. Many apps are free or have free options and then offer in app purchases. Those that don’t have in app purchases, can be paid monthly. Mental illnesses are a serious issue and we cannot offer medical advice or suggest that one app is the best for your mental illness. You may require mindfulness meditation, stress management, cognitive behavioral therapy or counselling services.  We hope that at least one of the apps above can help you on your journey. Always contact your local care team (mental health provider) or counselling services if you have finding it difficult or feel you can’t cope and put a safety plan in place. Check community forums for discussions on hundreds of meditations, access to treatment and to to discuss which therapy app may work for you. substitute for therapy

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About Us

Ray and Dan started Valley of the Mad as a brand focused on mental health. Our aim is to raise awareness of mental health, support those that may be finding it difficult and improve access to resources.

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