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What is the difference between the DSM V and the ICD?

This page provides an overview of the differences between the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Learn the similarities and differences between the two systems and the importance of mental health awareness.

What is the difference between DSM V and the ICD?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) diagnoses mental disorders. This manual was first published in 1952 and has been revised several times. The most recent version is called the DSM V.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is used to classify diseases. This classification system was developed in 1948 and has been revised several times. The most current revision is known as the ICD 10.

What is the Difference Between the DSM and the ICD?

The main difference between the DSM and the ICD is that the ICD classifies diseases based on symptoms rather than causes. For example, major depression is classified under the “mood disorder” category because mood changes cause it. Depressive disorders are not classified as a disease because it does not cause physical problems.

In contrast, the DSM classifies diseases based on their causes. A person who experiences severe anxiety due to a traumatic event would be diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is considered a disease because a specific type of trauma causes it.

Another major difference between the two systems is that the DSM focuses on diagnosing mental disorders, whereas the ICD focuses on classifying diseases. In addition, the DSM is updated every few years, whereas the ICD is updated once every ten years.

How Does the DSM Compare to the ICD?

Although the DSM and the ICD are similar in many ways, they differ significantly in terms of what they cover. The DSM covers all psychiatric disorders related to substance abuse, eating disorders, personality disorders, and sleep disorders.

The ICD includes all medical conditions except for psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it includes heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and many other health issues.

Who Developed the DSM and the ICDC?

Committees of psychiatrists and psychologists created both the DSM and the ICC. The committee members included doctors, researchers, professors, and students.

The DSM Committee

The DSM committee was formed in 1943 when the American Psychiatric Association decided to develop a diagnostic manual for psychiatry. The committee consisted of approximately 100 psychiatrists and psychologists. They met regularly throughout the year until they completed the final draft of the manual.

The ICC Committee

The ICC committee was established in 1947 after World War II ended. The committee was made up of representatives from various countries around the world. The committee worked together to come up with a classification system for diseases.

If you are concerned about your mental health, contact a mental health professional. To understand how the DSM is used in practice in the US, take a look at our previous post

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Ray and Dan started Valley of the Mad as a brand focused on mental health. Our aim is to raise awareness of mental health, support those that may be finding it difficult and improve access to resources.

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